pondělí 29. října 2012
Ice Beranha -
Kingdom - Animalia.
Phylum - Chordata.
Class - Mammalia Actinopterygii.
Order - Carnivora.
Family - Charcidae.
Genus - Pygoursus.
Species - Pygoursus maritimus.-----
General Information -
The Ice Beranha (Pygoursus maritimus) is a mammal of the class Actinopterygii It is also considered an evolutionary link between the piranha (Pygocentrus Natteri) and the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and aswell an extinct species even though one specimen (named Thimotheus, Bohouš in czech) was found and catched in October 2012. It inhabited mainly the northern coast of North America and Asia.
It grows up to 33 cm and weighs about 3.5 kg. -----
Behavior and food -
The Ice Beranha lives mostly solitary. Most of the day it is looking for food and is able to swim dozens of miles a day to get it. It is very skilfull, strong and agile. It eats only raw fresh meat and therefore catches fish, birds, rodents and other mammals. Due to its large jaws and sharp teeth it is capable to flay all the meat of his victims in a few minutes leaving nothing but bare bones.
It is interesting that after a successful hunt the Ice Beranha finds the nearest iceberg food and eats the rest of the pray on it. After having eaten it rest on it until it digested the food. -----
Reproduction -
The reproduction is the same as of other mammals (the found specimen shows male reproductive organs), but since this kind except the stated specimen is extinct the details are not known.-----
Relationship with humans -
As the Ice is a carnivore it is of course dangerous to humans. But just in case it is not near other smaller prey.
In the past, natives used teeth of Ice Beranhas to produce weapons.------------------------------------
Medaňa lední -
Říše - živočichové - Animalia.
Kmen - strunatci - Chordata.
Třída - savci paprskoploutví - Mammalia Actinopterygii.
Řád - šelmy - Carnivora.
Čeleď - tetrovití - Charcidae.
Rod - Pygoursus - Pygoursus.
Jméno - Pygoursus maritimus - Pygoursus maritimus.-----
Obecné -
Medaňa lední (Pygoursus maritimus) je paprskoploutvý savec z čeledi tertovitých. Považuje se též za evoluční článek mezi piraňnou obecnou (Pygocentrus natteri) a medvědem ledním (Ursus maritimus) a za vyhynulý druh i když se podařilo jeden exemplář (pojmenovaný Thimotheus česky Bohouš) v říjnu roku 2012 najít a odchytit. Vyskytoval se převážně na severním pobřeží Severní Ameriky a Asie.
Dorůstá až 33 cm a váží okolo 3,5 kg.-----
Chování a potrava -
Lední medaňa žije většinou samotářsky. Po většinu dne hledá potravu a je schopná za ní uplavat desítky kilometrů denně. Je velmi obratná, silná a mrštná. Živí se výhradně čerstvým masem a loví ryby, ptáky, hlodavce a další savce. Díky své velké čelisti a ostrým zubům je schopna v několika minutách ze své oběti strhat všechno maso a nenechat nic než holé kosti.
Zajímavostí je, že po úspěšném lovu si medaňa lední najde nejbližší ledovou kru a zbytek potravy dojídá na ní. Poté na ní odpočívá dokud nevytráví. -----
Rozmnožování -
Rozmnožování je stejné jako u ostatních savců (nalezený exemplář vykazuje samčí pohlavní orgány), ale jelikož je druh až na zmíněný kus vyhynulý není znám jeho průběh, ani jak se o mláďata medaňa stará. -----
Medaňa a člověk -
Jelikož je medaňa masožravec je pro člověka samozřejmě nebezpečná. To ale jen v případě kdy není poblíž jiná menší kořist.
V minulosti byly zuby Medaňi používány domorodci k výrobě zbraní.
Spankystokes review here
pátek 8. června 2012
sobota 7. ledna 2012
Fearless Ed
Faerless Ed was made for a friends Fixed Gear magazine PEDAL PROJECT with the topic Two Wheels Good. Heres Eds story:
Everybody in the forest knew Ed. He was the most self confident animal around. His day consisted of food and showing off. He was so egocentric he had to be in the spotlight in every possible situation. All the animals after a certain time got tired of him as he was often exaggerating and getting on their nerves. So after a while they didn´t care about him anymore. One day a new road was built near the forest and nobody had the courage to cross it. That was the perfect moment for Ed to get the desired attention from everybody again and show his fearlessness.
He stated he would be the first to cross this road. He started by observing it for a week or two and figured out most of the traffic is during the day, and at night the few cars are actually more visible because of the lights. He therefore decided to cross it at midnight. This was a fatal decision. He looked left and right a few times and saw no lights so started to run. Not for long however. He unfortunately didn´t think of one eventuality. The PP possibility. There was no car, no lights, and no sound but suddenly he felt it. Immediately he couldn´t move his left paw and couldn't feel his legs. The reason ? He had been cut into 5 pieces by two pedal project bikes. Unfortunately they had no lights and were so fast and silent he couldn´t even realize they were coming.
Sadly, that was the end of Fearless Ed. Toysrevil review here

Everybody in the forest knew Ed. He was the most self confident animal around. His day consisted of food and showing off. He was so egocentric he had to be in the spotlight in every possible situation. All the animals after a certain time got tired of him as he was often exaggerating and getting on their nerves. So after a while they didn´t care about him anymore. One day a new road was built near the forest and nobody had the courage to cross it. That was the perfect moment for Ed to get the desired attention from everybody again and show his fearlessness.
He stated he would be the first to cross this road. He started by observing it for a week or two and figured out most of the traffic is during the day, and at night the few cars are actually more visible because of the lights. He therefore decided to cross it at midnight. This was a fatal decision. He looked left and right a few times and saw no lights so started to run. Not for long however. He unfortunately didn´t think of one eventuality. The PP possibility. There was no car, no lights, and no sound but suddenly he felt it. Immediately he couldn´t move his left paw and couldn't feel his legs. The reason ? He had been cut into 5 pieces by two pedal project bikes. Unfortunately they had no lights and were so fast and silent he couldn´t even realize they were coming.
Sadly, that was the end of Fearless Ed. Toysrevil review here

Günther the old Fox
Günther is an old Fox born in Germany. He travelled a lot and did many things other Foxes would just dream of. Not everything he did was for his or others good but he is a good Fox.
He now settled down in the Czech Republic and likes to go to places which he knows and usually if his back doesnt hurt too much he makes his walking round in the morning to his most visited places to check if all is right.
3 inch Dunny custom made for a friend from the neighbourhood. Toysrevil review here

He now settled down in the Czech Republic and likes to go to places which he knows and usually if his back doesnt hurt too much he makes his walking round in the morning to his most visited places to check if all is right.
3 inch Dunny custom made for a friend from the neighbourhood. Toysrevil review here

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